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Legacy Scrabble Storyboards


Customized Framed Wall Art - So Unique!

L A N D  A  T R I P L E - W O R D   S C O R E

W I T H   F A M I L Y   &   F R I E N D S !

Celebrate the Holidays with a Gift

that Brings Memories, Tears of Joy,

and Laughs to Families and Friends!


Dear Friends:


Who doesn’t like to give and receive gifts? Giving gifts demonstrates caring and sharing, especially at celebratory times like birthdays, anniversaries and holidays like Christmas! The best gifts are thoughtful and personal and touch the heart of the family or friend who receives it. People of all ages and interests love the

Legacy Scrabble Storyboard because each one is personal and tells the unique story of the individual who receives it.


 Why not choose a gift that you have a big part in creating?  People let me know it is so much better then clicking the Amazon button for clothes or tech items.  YOU are the one that makes this gift so special and loved.


We are in the middle of 2024 and we are all looking for the perfect gift.  This is it!  The words you select for your storyboard will tell a biography of their life.  Words from childhood, young adulthood, and the present.  A Storyboard is a gift that always fits and is a fun way to show them how much you love and care for them!


My name is Kate and I handcraft every Legacy Storyboard.  I’ve made them for parents, grandparents, adult siblings, spouses and best friends.  The Legacy Storyboard will be enjoyed for many years and passed on through the generations.


The Legacy Storyboard is wall art, ready to display as a finished piece.  It is  professionally framed behind glass. The price is $150.​


Click button to see what my customers have said over the years about my work... 


Meet Kate Smith


Professional Legacy Storyboard crafter


"Give the most unique and loved gift to your family member or friend.  Great for all occasions!"

© 2020 Scrabble Lady. Created with

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