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Bringing joy to customers


What My Customers Are Saying

"...tremendous hit! ...we love ours, can't wait to see where they put up theirs."  (Terri D.)


"...was the definite winner of Christmas morning!"  (Brooke M.)


"My sister said it was the best present ever!"  (Elaine F.)


" love walking by it, seeing their names and the great words chosen..." 

(Susan M.)


"They sat for a good hour figuring every word out!... giggled at all the memories, by far their favorite gift... hanging with pride."  (Kelly D.)


Bride said, "...awesome and unique gift that we will enjoy forever."  (Melody N.)


"...went over sensationally!"  (Raymond G.)

"Couldn't wait to give it to my grandmother... gave it to her today. (3 weeks early!)....she got teary eyed... was VERY happy."  (Fawn O.)


"He loved it more than anything I had ever given him!...very original..."   (Stephanie S.)


"...the board provided her joy towards the end of her life.  Thank you."  (Betsy A.)


"...the sweetest gift ever!...she loved all the words, design, and presentation.  You helped me make our 2 year mark very special for us!"  (Charles B.)


"...delighted with their boards...truly memorable...  The other 9 people in the room said what a great gift it was and wondered how they could order one for Xmas."  (Pat P.)


"...the family jokes, traditions, and expressions were the best part!"  (Carol T.)


"...tremendously clever and I thank you for doing this for my son."  (Carol M.)


"...such a thoughtful gift.  She even had a tear in her eye... meant so much to her that I had taken time to help create it."  (Roland W.)


"THEY ARE FANTASTICO!!!!!!  Incredible!"  (Carol M.)


"...super happy with the words I chose for her."  (Chris O.)

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